512-337-2217 [email protected]

Slip Owner and Tenant Information

Lake Travis Lodges and Marina Association
Rules and regulations

Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
Group 1 Violation Enforcement:
A. First offense of a rule violation will be an email written to the Unit Owner. Violation
may also be, but is not required to be, sent to the Tenant (if Tenant info is available).
B. Second offense of a rule violation will be an email written to the Unit Owner and the
Board of Directors. Violation may also be, but is not required to be, sent to the
Tenant (if Tenant info is available). Second offense will include notification that this
is the second offense and that the next offense is fineable.
C. Third offense of a rule violation will be a fine of $250 to the Unit Owner and
additional $250 may be added to each monthly assessment until the violation is
D. Fourth and continued offenses will be grounds for eviction of Tenant and/or Unit
Group 2 Violation Enforcement:
A. First offense of a rule violation will be a verbal notification to the violator, with
documented warning to the Unit Owner and Property Management.
a. It is the discretion of Marina Manager and Board of Directors (BOD) to fine
Unit Owner $500 for first offense and $1000 for each subsequent notified
b. Violation by Tenants or Unit Owner are grounds for immediate eviction of

B. Continued offenses will be grounds for eviction of Tenant and/or Unit Owner under

All expenses incurred by LTLMA for rule compliance will be the responsibility of the Unit Owner.
Expenses may include an hourly rate for time spent by the Marina Manager and/or Property Management
addressing rule violations.
Due to unpredictable weather conditions, other acts of nature, and maintenance requirements, the
Association does not guarantee electricity, water, restrooms, showers, or waste disposal systems to a
Vessel at all times.
Adverse weather may affect Marina conditions and impair or block access to the Vessel from time to time.
Docks may be slippery or have a variety of surfaces, such as different wood, concrete, and steel. Wind and
waves may add motion to floats suddenly and without warning, making walking difficult. Snow, ice,
wind, or other conditions may cause access to or from the Marina impossible.

Unit Owner and/or Tenant Registration
1. All Unit Owners and Tenants are required to complete the appropriate information form and
update any changes within 30 days. All forms must be submitted to Property Management.
Marina Management is authorized to prohibit boat use by persons not listed with Property
Management. Failure to comply with the requirement may be considered a Group 2 violation by
the BOD.
2. All boats must be covered by a liability insurance policy comparable to the Texas minimum
liability coverage amounts. Failure to comply with the requirement may be considered a Group 2
violation by the BOD.
Repair of Vessels or Boat Lifts
1. All outside vendors hired by Unit Owners or Tenants, working on or around the marina, must
have proof of current liability insurance on file in the marina office. It is the Unit Owner’s
responsibility to ensure that the requirement of this rule is met by the vendor. The cost of
repairing any damages caused by an uninsured vendor working on a Unit Owner’s boat or slip
and/or working on a Tenant’s boat or slip will be deferred to the Unit Owner.
Moving Vessels Due to Marina Repairs or Emergency
1. If damage occurs, or there is a threat of damage to the docks, common areas, or slips, the BOD’s
will notify Unit Owner/Tenant to remove their boat away from the effected portions of the marina
that need replacement, repair of other work performed. If after notification, the Unit
Owner/Tenant fails, or refuses to remove a boat from the slip, the BOD may remove the boat at
the Unit Owner’s expense.
2. For purposes of Section 2.13(f) of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for
Lake Travis Lodges Marina in cases of emergency, or to repair, replace or otherwise work on the
docks, common areas, or slips, a non-conforming structure shall be interpreted to include a Vessel.

Group 1 Rules and Regulations

Vessel Operational Capabilities
1. Any Vessel moored within a slip must be kept navigable at all times and must meet all federal,
state, and local laws and ordinances, including but not limited to laws and ordinances pertaining
to navigation, safety, registration, and sanitation equipment. The Vessel must not be permanently
attached to the dock, and must be capable of leaving the Marina waters under its own power.
Temporary inoperability while under repair or maintenance is allowed. It is at the discretion of
the Marina Manager and the BOD to evaluate lake worthiness of any Vessel, and its ability to
operate under its own power to enter and exit a slip or the marina.
2. All Vessels moored within the Marina shall follow the current regulations as defined by the state
of Texas.

3. Vessel Owners must comply with current Best Management Practices for the proper handling and
disposal of fuel, oil, chemicals, hazardous waste, gray water, and other waste. Vessel Owner shall
not allow the discharge of any pollutant into the Marina water.
Mooring and Lines
1. Mooring
a. “New” docks with installed cleats: Boats floating on the water (not on a hoist) may only
be moored to the cleats within the slip and may not attach to the marina in any other
manner. Boats stored on a hoist may have safety lines tied to the roof columns if they
have sufficient slack in them to allow for hoist movement.
b. “Old” or existing docks without cleats: Mooring to the upright supports is allowed.
c. In addition to the above fee violation, the Unit Owner may be billed an hourly fee for any
boat requiring attention by the marina staff. The rate of $150 per hour will be assessed to
the Unit Owner.
d. For protection of the boats and docks, minimum mooring lines for boats are as follows:
i. Boats up to 27’: four ropes that are 3/8” nylon or equivalent
ii. Boats up to 36’: four ropes that are 1/2” nylon or equivalent
iii. Boats up to 45’: four ropes that are 5/8” nylon or equivalent
iv. Boats up to 54’: four ropes that are 3/4” nylon or equivalent

2. Boats tied inadequately can be temporarily retied by the Marina Manager at the Owner’s expense
subject to the rate of $150 an hour.
3. Boats must be moored so that no part of the boat extends over the walkway and no boat shall
extend into the navigable passageway more than 20% of the length of the slip.
4. Repairs to any damage made to the marina by a boat due to improper mooring will be paid for by
the Unit Owner. This includes bumpers, columns, roof panels, cleats, and any other component of
the dock. All Unit Owners are encouraged to purchase Dock-side Bumpers to protect your boat’s
edging and the dock’s roofing poles.
Dock Boxes and Steps
1. All dock boxes must be made of fiberglass or plastic and may not exceed 24″ in width, 96″ in
length, and 30″ in height. Only 1 dock box is allowed per slip and must be placed on the 36″
wide finger adjacent to the dock box owner’s slip. No items (dock box, steps or other) are allowed
to be permanently or temporarily stored on the main walkway, “head pier” of the dock or on the
24″ wide fingers. Any exceptions must be approved in writing and in advance by the Marina
Manager. Dock box requirements do not apply to boxes stored on an Owner’s patio that is within
their slip.
2. Steps for boarding boats are not to exceed 24″ in width to allow for passage and maintenance on
the walkways. Steps may contain permanently enclosed storage area underneath. Steps must be
placed on the 36″ wide finger adjacent to the owner’s slip. No items (dock box, steps or other) are
allowed to be permanently or temporarily stored on the main walkway, “head pier” of the dock or
on the 24″ wide fingers. Any exceptions must be approved in writing and in advance by the
Marina Manager. Step requirements do not apply to steps stored on an Owner’s patio that is within
their slip.

Unit Owner Slip Modifications

1. The following items cannot be placed or left on marina structure without Marina Manager or
BOD approval: construction material, tools, rafts, inflatable toys, lines other than dock lines,
carts, gas containers, batteries, coolers and other containers. Nothing can be attached to the Z
purlins (beams) or roof.
2. The following items may be attached to marina structure with BOD and Marina Manager
approval: satellite dish, hose reel, fan, dock boxes, and personal CCTV cameras. The
aforementioned items are the sole responsibility of the Unit Owner and not the marina
association. Items which are not properly maintained are subject to removal by the marina
association at the Unit Owner’s expense. Any construction within a slip that will include a
structure being bolted or otherwise attached to the slip, must be approved by the BOD and/or
Marina Manager in writing before the construction begins.
3. All Vessel hoists and lifts must have its controller mounted within the slip’s interior
boundary. Control panels are not allowed to be mounted on the walkway or on the dock
finger walkway.
Garbage Disposal
1. The Association does not provide garbage pick-up or removal. Trash generated from Vessels
must not be disposed of in the Office or Bathroom areas. Vessel Owners shall dispose of trash
in the Marina dumpsters in the parking lot. Only trash generated from the Vessel and that is
“landfill ready” may be left in Marina dumpsters. No construction or remodel material or
debris, lumber, mattresses, furniture, batteries, paint, bimini tops, lake toys, or any other
non-landfill approved items may be discarded in the dumpsters or on marina property. The
disposal company will not dump our trash if there are materials inside that are not landfill
Boat Wake
1. All Vessels must observe a “no-wake speed” in the harbor and around all docking areas.
When approaching or entering the harbor entrance, slow boat to speed to create no wake.
Boat Ramp and Trailers
1. Use of boat ramp is at the sole risk of the boat Owner and is available to Unit Owners and
lease holders of units for loading and unloading of boats that have registered unit slips.
Commercial Tenants as defined in the By-laws of the marina may use the ramp per the terms
of lease. 2. Trailers must not be left on marina property.

Fire Safety
1. No smoking or open flames (including pilot lights) are allowed in the fueling area or during
fueling operations. Light bulbs or other sources of ignition are not allowed within closed engine

compartments. Flammable materials or their containers are never to be left on the docks or
walkways or inside of the approved dock boxes or steps.
2. No discharging of firearms or fireworks is allowed on marina property including the parking lot,
docks, and the extents of the no-wake zone surrounding the marina.

1. No swimming, diving, or scuba diving from the docks, walkways, boat ramp, or within the
harbor area is allowed.
Traffic and Parking
1. All vehicles, cars, cycles, etc., must observe a 5 mile per-hour speed limit while on marina
property. Parking is allowed in authorized areas only.
2. All vehicles, cars, cycles, etc., parked on the marina’s premises are for current access to the
marina. No long term vehicle storage is allowed. All occupant’s vehicles must be registered in
accordance with state and local laws and must be mechanically sound/drivable at all times.
3. Registered marina Owners/Tenants may, from time to time, use the parking lot for regular
maintenance on their boat under these conditions:
a. Any vendor performing work on marina property has their Proof of Commercial
Liability insurance information on file with the Marina Management before arriving
onsite to perform work.
b. Work is performed on a weekday (Monday through Friday) and takes no longer than
24 hours.
c. The Unit Owner has contacted the Marina Manager to inform and coordinate work.
d. The Unit Owner follows the instructions given by the Marina Manager in regards to
placement of boat/trailer/vehicles while in the parking lot and the amount of time
allowed for repairs.
e. The Unit Owner follows-up with the Marina Manager regarding any changes in their

1. Pets shall be on a leash and under control at all times. The Owner is responsible for cleaning
up after the pet and for making sure that tags certifying vaccination are displayed on the pet. A
pet may never be tied to any part of the docks, including fingers.
1. No running, riding bicycles, tricycles, or motorized vehicles, skateboarding, rollerblading, or use
of any other wheeled toys are permitted on the docks and walkways. Wheelchairs, strollers, and
utility carts are permitted but must be removed and stored in the dedicated dock storage area on

the upper parking lot when not in use.
2. Dock carts must be kept in the designated location in the parking lot. Carts can only be left on a
dock while the Unit Owner/Tenant is actively using the Vessel. In this case the cart must be on
the finger and out of the main walkway.

Heads and Pumping Holding Tanks

1. Heads and or holding tanks must be properly maintained to prevent excessive odors. Holding
tanks and/or heads are not to be discharged except into the sewage pump out system. Do not use
the pump out system to pump out boat bilges. At additional cost, some docks may have pump out
facilities available to individual slips. Individual slip pump outs are for the exclusive use of that
Unit Owner/Tenant and may not be shared in any way with surrounding slips. Any individual slip
pump out connection shall be disconnected with no refund if used incorrectly. Discharge of
untreated sewage in the Marina or in the waters of Lake Travis is prohibited by law (Federal
Water Pollution Control Act, 33 USC 1322, and other federal, state, and local laws and
regulations). Discharge of treated sewage is also prohibited.
Responsible Ownership and Courtesy
1. Unit Owners, their family, Tenants, guests, employees, and pets shall conduct themselves at all
times so as not to create an annoyance, hazard, or nuisance to the marina or other persons. The
marina staff and or members of the LTLMA BOD shall retain the right to expel guests of
Owners and Tenants who are found to be in violation of any of the LTLMA rules and
regulations, or creating an annoyance. Obscene acts, drunkenness, drug use, or profane language
are prohibited on the property and constitute a violation of these rules.
2. Reasonable quiet shall be maintained on the marina. Reasonable quiet includes the volume on
talking, radios, stereos, CD players and other similar equipment to the point that the sound does
not overtly extend beyond the Owner’s slip.
3. Vessel Owners, residents, and guests shall not linger or congregate on deck walkways and
fingers in a manner which obstructs passage for other Marina members transiting to and from
their boats. These areas shall be used only to transition from the Vessel to shore and shall not
be used as extension of the Vessel.

1. All Owners seeking to have Liveaboard privileges must request and receive approval from the
Marina Manager in writing and in advance, but no later than the 15th day of occupation.
2. A Vessel in the Marina will be considered a Live-Aboard Vessel if a resident maintains the Vessel
as his/her primary residence, or if a resident has been or will be staying on board the Vessel for
more than fifteen (15) nights total within any calendar month. It is the Marina Manger’s sole
discretion and good judgment to review live-aboard activity and to inform the BOD. The BOD
and Marina Manager have the final say on determining whether or not a Vessel is a live-aboard
regardless of the Vessel Owner’s feedback. Determination will not be unreasonably given. Unit

Owners may also inform the BOD, or the Marina Manager, of suspected live-aboard Vessels.
3. The minimum size boat eligible for Liveaboard use is 32 feet. The Vessel must be in compliance
with U.S. Coast Guard recreational Vessel requirements and must be properly equipped for live
aboard occupancy per federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.
4. Only the Vessel Owner(s) and one other person may reside on the Vessel pursuant to this
Agreement. No more than two persons may reside on a Vessel. No Vessel may be rented or leased
for any period of time.
5. Vessel Owner(s) may not use 6410 Hudson Bend Road as a mailing address. The Association is
not obligated to accept, forward, or deliver mail, packages, or personal deliveries that are
addressed to Vessel(s) Owner or other residents at 6410 Hudson Bend Road.
6. The Live-Aboard Fee is a monthly fee of 35% of the slip’s Operational Dues (not including Loan
Assessment). The Live-Aboard Fee will be due and payable by the Unit Owner on a monthly
basis. Each resident on the Vessel must be identified on the Resident Information Form submitted
to the Association. The Unit Owner(s) must notify the Association in writing within five (5) days
of any change in resident information. Live-Aboard Fees are the obligation of the Unit Owner(s).
7. Live-aboard Vessels must have a functioning marine sanitation system onboard and display a valid
Clean Water Certification sticker. Vessel Owner is solely responsible for maintaining such a
system(s) at all times. Noncompliance with proper sewage handling may result in the Vessel’s
removal from the Marina at Unit Owners’ expense. The Vessel’s sanitation system will be
inspected by Marina staff if non-compliant discharge is suspected.
8. One (1) pet is permitted per occupant of the Live-Aboard not to exceed two (2) pets per Vessel.
The pets must be in compliance with local licensing, vaccination, noise, and leash ordinances.
Vessel Owners must submit a current copy of the pet’s vaccination record and tag license number
to the Association prior to a pet(s) taking residence on the Vessel.
9. One vehicle is permitted per live-aboard occupant with a maximum of two vehicles per Vessel.

Group 2 Rules and Regulations

Unit Owners Leasing of Slip
1. The leasing of an individual unit by an Owner is permitted provided that a Lease agreement in
writing is made between the Unit Owner and the leasing individual specifically subject to the
association Declarations, By-laws, and Rules and Regulations of LTLM. In leasing his/her unit, a
Unit Owner is required to have the prospective Tenant complete the appropriate informational
form and submit to Property Management. Compliance with this rule is the responsibility of the
unit Unit Owner.
2. In addition to any Lease agreement between an Owner and renter being subject to the
Declarations, By-laws, and Rules and Regulations of LTLM, it must include equal or
substantially appropriate text to acknowledge that the:
a. Undersigned agrees that failure to comply with the terms of the agreement or any other
agreement related to the unit or marina common ground may result in removal from the
b. Undersigned recognizes and acknowledges the inherent risks and danger involved in
accessing the Marina in its present condition to access the Marina docks, including the
possibility of property damage, loss, bodily injury, sickness, disease, and death.

Undersigned access to the Marina property is undertaken with full knowledge,
disclosure, and acceptance of such risks, which risks may not be fully apparent.
c. Undersigned hereby assumes all responsibility and all risk of injury, damage, or loss of
any kind which may be sustained that arises from or is in any way related to access to the
Marina, and Undersigned accepts all such risks for any person they bring, host or give
permission to access the Marina property. Undersigned further releases, discharges, and
agrees not to make or bring any claim of any kind against the Association, the
Association’s managing agent, officers, directors, committee members, agents,
contractors, successors, or unit Unit Owner(s).

For-profit Vessel Usage
1. The LTLM does not allow a Unit Owner or a Lessee of a Unit to load or unload individuals from
a Vessel at LTLM that is related to for-profit activity. Unit Owners or Lessee’s failing to abide by
this rule will be fined per Group 2 enforcement. It is the Marina Manger’s sole discretion and
good judgment to review such activity and to inform the BOD of a violation of this activity under
the Rules and Regulations. Unit Owners may also inform the BOD, or the Marina Manager, of
suspected for-profit rental/charter activities of individuals loading or unloading on LTLM
property. The BOD and Marina Manager will review and address according to this Rule and
Regulation that LTLM does not allow a Unit Owner or a Lessee of a Unit to load or unload
individuals from a Vessel on LTLM property related to for-profit activity.
a. Boat rental and/or charter activities; this rule does not prevent an Owner from mooring
his/her Vessel in the moorage area provided that his for-profit activities, such as loading
and unloading of customers are conducted elsewhere, and all forms are updated listing
persons that are allowed access to the Vessel.
b. Selling or brokering boats; but does not prevent a Unit Owner or lessee from the
occasional sale of a personal boat. The sale of more than one boat per slip, per calendar
year shall be considered an unauthorized activity and not an occasional sale.

Marina Map